Raising Funds Through Marathon Match
The Foundation was recently thrilled to receive a donation of $1,090 from the wonderful students and teachers at Lynwood Senior High School.
The funds were raised through a marathon soccer match which saw a total of 45 students and a few crazy teachers playing indoor soccer for a duration of 24-hours. The players were separated into two teams, Blue and Green, and played in two-hour shifts while the Soccer Committee Parents cooked dinner and breakfast for everyone.
The goal of the match was to raise money for the Soccer Academy and CLCRF. Over $6,000 was raised in total, a remarkable feat that matched the efforts on the court.
The match was tense with the score swinging from one team to the other throughout the entirety of the 24-hours. At one point, it looked like Blue was going to take the win after overturning a 12-goal deficit to be 15 in front. Green however bounced back and the game incredibly ended in a draw, Blue 476 – 476 Green.
We admire the resilience and energy of everyone who was involved with the marathon match at Lynwood Senior High School. This was a fantastic effort and we would like to thank the school for choosing to donate over $1000 of the funds to CLCRF.
We are also delighted to hear that the committee has decided that in the future a set percentage of their yearly fundraising will be donated to the Foundation. As we receive no government funding, we rely on this incredible generosity of the community!
This goes to show that there are so many different and exciting ways to do your own fundraising for CLCRF. If you have your own fundraising events or ideas, our team is always ready to help you in any way we can! Simply email us or call our office on 08 9363 7400.